Saturday, June 26, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention are related to each other in a way and are often used interchangeably. According to World English dictionary, the meanings of the 4 words are as below;

Novelty - the quality of being new, fresh and interesting
- a new or unusual experience or occurrence
- a small, usually cheap new toy, ornament or trinket

Creativity - having the ability to create
- characterized by originality of thought
- designed to or tending to stimulate the imagination
- characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventions

Innovation - something newly introduced, such as a new method or device
- the act of innovating; making changes in anything established

Invention - the act or process of inventing
- discovery or production of some new or improved process or machine
- something that is invented

To be a successful creative person, it is essential to use these 4 qualities in us to make something new but yet simple, creative, useful and applicable to everyone in their daily life.

Here are some novelty inventions that we use in our daily life...fairly simple yet very useful.

Paper clips


rubber bands


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