Sunday, September 19, 2010

Final calendar designs

After a long wait and a lot of hard work, The Wise Ones present to you our calendar about the Misconceptions and Truths of FCM students! Available for download as your desktop wallpaper. Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Name of group and logo...

We are "The Wise Ones"!!!

and.... We are proud to announce that we have our own official logo!

Look out for the reminder title below in our calendars...

Coloured and Digitized sketches

Here are the digitized and coloured illustrations...

We work just as hard as others.

We are not is just a way of expressing ourselves.

Who says there is limited job opportunities for us?

When there are passion and determination, nothing is impossible.

Who says we are not serious at our work? We need to do research as well!

We do not design things that are just mere decorations... it is functional.

We can earn great money, too....just like other professionals.

We may be different from other professionals but without us, the world will be dull and boring.

If we are anti-social, how can we survive in this world?

Competition is a good thing. Don't you agree?

Easy life for us? Think again.

We are just as smart as others...

Miserable day and night? Not if u are have passion and determination.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Precedent Studies for our calendar design

Here are the precedent studies for our calendar layout.


Here are the character designs and the different misconceptions' illustrations.

P/S: click on the names of the members to go to their creative studies blog...

Misconceptions and miscellaneous